Tell President Trump to Prioritize Our Planet's Future

  • al: WWF
  • destinatario: President Trump
Today, President Trump and his administration announced they would take measures to roll back progress made on climate change policy. This decision ignores the sweeping actions being taken by companies, states, cities and communities across America, who are already making progress to create a future powered by clean energy.

Rolling back US efforts to cut carbon pollution not only harms the futures of our children and grandchildren — it undercuts our ability to compete in the massive growth in demand for renewable energy around the world. Right now there are more American jobs in renewable energy and efficiency than in all fossil fuels combined. We need to build the US economy around a sustainable future.

Sign the petition and ask President Trump to prioritize our planet's future.
Dear President Trump,

Climate change is a real and present danger to our planet, including the United States.

With the mounting threats that climate change poses to our communities and our economy, it's clear that the US government must continue to work to find lasting solutions rather than repealing existing US climate strategies without providing a replacement.

Rolling back US efforts to cut carbon pollution not only harms the futures of our children and grandchildren — it undercuts our ability to compete in the massive growth in demand for renewable energy around the world. Right now there are more American jobs in renewable energy and efficiency than in all fossil fuels combined. We need to build the US economy around a sustainable future.

All other nations are committed to acting together for a healthier world. International cooperation is pivotal for a thriving American economy, and it's also crucial to the future of our planet—one that can provide the clean air, freshwater, and healthy forests that people and businesses need to thrive.

I strongly urge you to keep the current Climate Action Plan or develop a clear and effective plan of your own to maintain US leadership and drive a clean economy, meet your legal obligations under the Clean Air Act, and help solve the climate crisis that is threatening our future.

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Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Trump has announced his intent to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement. Nearly 200 nations joined together to the pact—the world's first truly global plan to curb climate change.

Congress has the ability to keep us on a path of climate action. Will call your senator—tell them that you support the Paris Agreement and that you expect Congress to make fighting climate change a top priority? Call 1-202-730-9008 to be connected directly to your Senator's office.
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