A second chance for Mittens

Mittens, a sweet, senior cat, was hit by a car on March 24, 2024. Both his front legs were broken, rendering him unable to stand or walk. He also suffered a broken jaw that made it impossible for him to eat. Despite his obvious suffering, his owners refused treatment—and that's when the MSPCA Law Enforcement team stepped in.

Thankfully, Mittens was forfeited to the MSPCA-Angell soon after his accident. The MSPCA was able to provide him with the medical care he needed in order to recover.

"At 15-years-old, he was actually the oldest adoptable cat we've ever neutered, but he still has plenty of good years left, and we know he made a perfect companion for his adopters!" - MSPCA-Angell Vice President of Animal Protection, Mike Keiley

The MSPCA Law Enforcement team took a suffering cat out of a home that did not provide any medical care after a serious injury and gave him a second chance at life. Sign to support the MSPCA providing more happy endings to cats like Mittens!
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