End Cruel Animal Trapping on our National Wildlife Refuges
According to the dictionary a refuge is a place or situation providing safety or shelter. But on more of half of our country’s National Wildlife Refuges ( NWR), that safety can end at any moment.
Currently, it is perfectly legal for people to use cruel animal traps on refuges. These atrocities catch indiscriminately and can leave animals suffering for hours or even days before they expire. Those that don’t could be left maimed or sitting ducks for other predators.
These refuges should be a safe place to protect our country’s diverse flora and fauna and should not be hunting grounds for the steel grip of these inhumane machines.
Luckily, Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Nita Lowey have introduced bills to end the cruelty on our national wildlife refuges. The Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act will prohibit the possession or use of body-gripping traps within any NWR. Those who break this law would be subject to serious fines or even imprisonment.
Let’s make sure Congress hears us when we say we want a real refuge for our wildlife. Please sign the petition and tell Congress to support Sen. Booker and Rep. Lowely. Ask them to pass the Refuge from Cruel Trapping Act now.
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