DON'T SHOOT AFRICA'S LAST ELEPHANTS! #DontShootElephants #Botswana

  • al: Ed Goncalves
  • destinatario: HE Mokgweetsi Masisi, President of Botswana


Botswana is the last safe haven for Africa's elephants. It's a refuge for ONE THIRD of the species' remaining population. This is in large part thanks to a BAN on trophy hunting.

Now, though, the country's Parliament wants to make trophy hunting LEGAL. Botswana's President has launched a public consultation.

Make your voice heard by signing this petition – BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!


"We strongly urge His Excellency Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, the President of the Republic of Botswana, to keep the current ban on the trophy hunting of elephants in place.

Trophy hunting brings a cruel death for the target animal, and does little to benefit local communities or support wildlife conservation.

Elephant populations have fallen dramatically in recent years, including in neighbouring countries where trophy hunting is permitted.

Botswana is now the best hope for the survival of this magnificent creature. Losing the African Elephant would be a conservation disaster for Botswana, Africa and the world.

We very much hope you will demonstrate your, and Botswana's, continued global leadership in helping preserve the African elephant for future generations by ensuring the trophy hunting ban remains in place."

Actualizar #3hace 5 años

Botswana - currently a safe haven for 1/3rd of all remaining African elephants - not only wants to allow trophy hunters to kill them for “recreation”... it wants to use the meat for PET FOOD!

Botswana is also one of 4 countries that wants to LIFT the ivory trade ban...

Trophy Hunting & Poaching in Africa is now OUTSTRIPPING the reproductive rate of African Elephants.

It’s time to act NOW to protect African Elephants in their Last Stronghold!

Actualizar #2hace 5 años
Thank you for supporting this campaign. We need a GLOBAL BAN on ALL trophy hunting. So we’ve set up the Campaign to Ban Trophy Hunting. We’ve got a crack team of campaigners & investigators. But we need YOUR SUPPORT - to expose the hunters, make trophy hunting a CRIME, & ensure TOUGH PENALTIES for offenders. It’s time to FIGHT BACK against the hunters - & give wild animals a CHANCE. Find out more about us at - and help us END Trophy Hunting once & for all. THANK YOU!
Actualizar #1hace 6 años
Over 100,000 of you signed the petition in 3 weeks. THANK YOU!

If everyone donated just ONE DOLLAR, we could MASSIVELY promote the petition ... & get ONE MILLION signatures. Will you consider making a small donation here please?

LET'S BAN ALL TROPHY HUNTING! If you’d like to join a campaign for a ban on ALL trophy hunting, please like our new Facebook page today!

Thanks! Ed Goncalves
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