Rep. Steve Lebsock should resign or be removed from office

According to published reports in the media (specifically Bente Birkeland, a capitol reporter for KUNC and other public radio stations), Democratic Colorado Representative Steve Lebsock (HD-34) faces allegations that he harassed, intimidated and made unwanted sexual advances toward eleven different women. Two of them – lawmaker Faith Winter (HD-35) and a lobbyist – have filed formal workplace harassment complaints with the Legislature.

Rep. Lebsock has breached the public's trust. He has abused his position of power. We have lost confidence in his ability to conduct the people's business and we call on him to resign.

Should Rep. Lebsock fail to resign, we call on the Colorado House of Representatives to remove him from office as soon as possible when the session begins on January 10.

Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you for signing the petition to remove Colorado State Representative Steve Lebsock from office. Yesterday, legislative leaders said the investigation on him had concluded. Five different women had filed formal complaints and they were found credible.

The House will vote to expel Lebsock on Friday, but they need a 2/3 vote. They need all the Democrats plus eight Republicans.

Today is the day to contact your state representative and tell him/her to support this resolution! Thanks!
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