Congress, tell Trump our National Monuments are NOT FOR SALE

For over a century, American presidents have set aside lands of great importance as National Monuments. Protecting these spectacular sites was one of the United States' greatest achievements, but now they are under attack by the White House, which wants to cede this heritage to industrial exploitation.
National Monuments offer safe habitat to wildlife and plants of all kinds. They include such vital ocean preserves as the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts National Marine Monument, the first marine monument to ever be established in the Atlantic Ocean. This pristine area encompasses essential feeding grounds for numerous whale and dolphin species, including the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.
But sites like this are in jeopardy. The White House has already slashed two Utah monuments (Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante) to the bone, marking the largest reduction in protected acreage in American history, and officials are working to shrink four more monuments and open tens of millions of additional acres to appease ultra-rich industries.
These are the American people's lands and oceans, which is why Congress fighting back with a strong new bill to make that crystal clear to the White House. The new ANTIQUITIES Act, S. 367/H.R. 1050, would go a long way toward protecting national monuments from politically-motivated attacks.
We need your help to protect these irreplaceable lands for future generations and for the hundreds of species, from elk and pronghorn antelopes to mountain lions and right whales, that call them home. Help us propel this effort to the finish line.
Tell your members of Congress to support the ANTIQUITIES Act!
Dear Members of Congress,
I need your help. America's national monuments comprise some of the most important public lands and waters in our country, providing safe homes to hundreds of species of wildlife. They are irreplaceable parts of our shared heritage. The White House views them as expendable. The Department of the Interior's development proposals make it clear that the Administration values monuments for what can be taken from them: worthy of mining, industrial fishing, and other heavy industry, but not much else.
This cynical vision is not what Congress intended when it passed the original Antiquities Act a century ago, and it is not what Americans want now. In fact, 99% of public comments on an Administration proposal to undermine the Antiquities Act favored protecting national monuments instead.
Fortunately, Congress has responded by introducing the new ANTIQUITIES Act of 2019 (H.R. 1050/S. 367) to take back control of our national monument system from an administration that has proven itself incapable of the responsibility. This legislation, if enacted, would reinforce Congressional oversight of these public lands, enhance protections, and give much-needed funding support to preserve them for generations to come.
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The ANTIQUITIES Act of 2019 is what forward-thinking policy looks like. Please support it by cosponsoring and voting in favor.
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