'Succession' and 'Babe' Star James Cromwell Glued Himself to a Starbucks Counter to Protest Their Policy That Puts Countless Animals at Increased Risk of Cruelty!

In a bold move for animal rights, "Succession" star James Cromwell superglued his hand to a Starbucks counter to protest their non-dairy milk upcharge. PETA, a leader in the world of animal welfare, has been pleading with Starbucks to reverse the policy for years, which discourages the purchase of products that aren't made by the cruel, abuse-ridden dairy industry. Why should people have to pay a higher price for choosing an animal-friendly option?

Sign the petition to tell Starbucks to stop upcharging on its milk alternatives!

In the dairy industry, producing cow's milk is a horrific experience for the poor captive animals. The process is often physically and mentally agonizing -- the cows are genetically manipulated, and even pumped with chemicals to produce more milk. Not to mention the fact that, in order to produce milk, they are repeatedly impregnated just to have their babies ripped from them -- it's been documented that mother cows spend days crying for their babies. While some people are milk-intolerant, the ones who aren't still can make the more humane choice to use non-dairy milk. So, why does Starbucks make the choice difficult by charging more for their non-dairy milk?

On its website, PETA urged Starbucks to reconsider the vegan milk surcharge, noting that Wawa, Panera Bread, and Philz Coffee don't upcharge for non-dairy milk. The multibillion dollar company can clearly afford to make a bit less of a profit to offset tremendous animal suffering. Starbucks has even dropped the upcharge in other countries, so they can do it in the United States!

While glued to the counter, Cromwell addressed Starbucks: "More than 13,000 customers have asked you, now we're asking: Will you stop charging more for vegan milk? When will you stop raking in huge profits while customers, animals, and the environment suffer?"

Sign the petition to tell Starbucks to make the humane choice and drop the upcharge on its vegan milk!

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