Save the Human Rights Act! Email your MP now.

The Conservative Government announced plans to scrap the Human Rights Act shortly after being elected. This must not be allowed to happen.

The Human Rights Act secures the right to life, a fair trial, freedom of expression, thought and religion, protects the concepts of privacy and property, and prohibits torture and unlawful detention.

The Human Rights Act has been invoked to protect the rights of many across the UK. It has been used to ensure compassionate care for the elderly; it has ruled that excessive force not be used against children in custody; it has protected the rights of those within the LGBTQ community.

The Conservative Party proposes repealing the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights in which rights can be reduced where Government sees fit. This has far reaching consequences for the Northern Irish peace process as it breaches the Good Friday Agreement.

British people deserve full inalienable human rights, and we already have those enshrined within our (already British!) Human Rights Act. The government’s proposal will actively diminish the rights of British people.

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For those in the UK, this will send an email on your behalf to your newly elected MP asking them to vote in Parliament in defence of the HRA. 

Known to be one of the most effective tools in improving human rights around the world, The Human Rights Act is the codification of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into British domestic law.

Our current government is also calling to increase surveillance powers that have recently been ruled unlawful and a clear breach of Human Rights.
Dear [MP], The Government has announced plans to scrap the Human Rights Act in a rushed proposal to be delivered within its first 100 days of power. This must not be allowed to happen. The Human Rights Act secures the right to life, a fair trial, freedom of expression, thought and religion, protects the concepts of privacy and property, and prohibits torture and unlawful detention. Known to be one of the most effective tools in improving human rights around the world, The Human Rights Act is the codification of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into British domestic law. The Human Rights Act has been invoked to protect the rights of many across the UK. It has been used to ensure compassionate care for the elderly; it has ruled that excessive force not be used against children in custody; it has protected the rights of those within the LGBTQ community. Repealing the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights in which rights can be reduced where Government sees fit has far reaching consequences for the Northern Irish peace process as it breaches the Good Friday Agreement. British people deserve full inalienable human rights, and we already have those enshrined within our (already British!) Human Rights Act. The government’s proposal will actively diminish the rights of British people. [Your comment] As my MP, please tell me how you intend to vote on the issue of the repeal of the Human Rights Act. I urge you to vote to keep our Human Rights Act as it stands. Sincerely, [Your name] [Your address]
Actualizar #1hace 9 años
All MPs have now been emailed, between 1 and 70 times and have started to debate the Human Rights Act. You can watch their debate yesterday in the Commons here, from 14:40. Please continue to share this petition with your friends to encourage all MPs to take a stand in defence of the Human Rights Act.
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