Spurious Investigation of Michael Moore

  • al: Todd Klatt
  • destinatario: Dale Thompson, Chief of Investigation and Field Operations, Office of Foreign Asset Control / U.S. Treas Dept
An open invition to the Office of Foreign Asset Control requesting that they drop their spurious investigation into Michael Moore. We view this as a violation of Mr. Moore's 1st amendment rights and having nothing to do with violations against the US Trade Embargo. This is for all concerned with freedom of speech regardless of how they personally feel about Michael Moore.

Dear Mr. Thompson.


You are hereby named the 2007 recipient of the Senator Joseph McCarthy Award for Fascist Activity. Every year this award goes out to the government official who willingly violates the ideals of our forefathers as laid out in the constitution and the bill of rights. The recipient is ideally someone who, such as the late senator and our current President, steps over the civil rights of individual citizens by accusing them of crimes under false pretenses. You have been identified as just such a government official.


We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you immediately drop the so-called investigation into Michael’s Moore’s alleged violations of the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba. These allegations are spurious and are a waste of the taxpayer’s dollars which pay your salary and the salaries of those under your command.


Furthermore, we assert that this investigation has nothing to with any actual violation of trade restrictions but, instead, is being used as a tool to discredit a dissenter and silence a very loud, popular voice.  This is more about violations of Mr. Moore’s 1st amendment rights than it has to do with the Cuban trade embargo.  Certain factions in our present federal government are embarrassed by the documentaries being made by Mr. Moore and want nothing more than to shut him up.


Not everyone who has signed this petition is a fan of Michael Moore. Some of us may even dislike his work. However, we all agree that the 1st amendment is sacrosanct regardless of who is speaking. We believe in the freedom speech and expression and, Mr. Thompson, your actions are dangerously close to violating this freedom.



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