Tell U.S. Congress: Protect Women's Health and Rights

Access to maternal health, family planning, and a life free from violence is a fundamental human right.

Starting in 2017, the United States withheld funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the largest provider of reproductive health care globally and a leader in ending preventable child and maternal deaths, promoting gender equality, and addressing gender-based violence.

Now we have a chance to restore UNFPA funding and get women and girls the healthcare they need.

Urge your members of Congress to stand for women and girls around the world by supporting the UNFPA in this Congress.

Dear Legislator, 

I am a supporter of CARE, and I am urging you to support the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in this Congress.

UNFPA is a leader in ending preventable child and maternal deaths worldwide. Working in more than 150 countries, UNFPA programs train doctors and midwives, provide voluntary family planning, provide prenatal and antenatal care, prevent gender-based violence, and combat harmful practices like child marriage and female genital mutilation. In 2021, UNFPA provided medical care to 29 million women and girls, provided safe delivery to 1.5 million people, and averted 39,000 maternal deaths, including in some of the most fragile humanitarian settings.

UNFPA is also a critical player in humanitarian settings and fragile states, where the majority of maternal and neonatal deaths take place. UNFPA is often the only provider of maternal health services in areas of conflict and disaster and has a sterling track record for providing high quality care. In the U.S.-funded UNFPA clinic in the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan, more than 16,000 babies have been delivered without a single maternal death. U.S. funding has helped UNFPA deliver lifesaving care to mothers and their babies in places such as Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, and many others.

In a global landscape facing increasing conflict and uncertainty, now is not the time to abandon some of the world's most vulnerable populations. I urge you to stand up for women and girls around the world by supporting UNFPA bills and protecting UNFPA's funding this Congress.

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