Plenty of designers, including Vivienne Westwood, Stella McCartney, and Calvin Klein, have been fur-free for years, but some designers have been slower to adapt to changing times. Luckily, that tide seems to be turning. Armani, Gucci, and Michael Kors all recently announced they were going fur-free, too.
Unfortunately, Marc Jacobs hasn't heard the news that fur is out. Several of his designs featured during this year's New York Fashion Week
included fur.
It's only a matter of time before fur in fashion is a thing of the past, but the sooner it happens, the better. That's why we're calling on Marc Jacobs to commit to eliminating fur from his designs.The fur industry is riddled with animal cruelty and suffering. Every coat, bag, or shoe that uses fur comes at an extreme cost to the animal it belonged to before.
According to
PETA, animals on fur farms are contained in tiny, cramped wire cages until they are skinned alive. To minimize damage to the fur, animals are anally and genitally electrocuted, a gruesome and painful process. Some animals are trapped in the wild using steel-jaw traps, where the animals are left suffering with injured limbs until they eventually die, sometimes days later. If there's a cruelty-free way to obtain fur for clothing, we haven't found it.
Let's join together and tell Marc Jacobs to get with the times. Cruelty is out, fur-free fashion is in. Please sign and share this petition demanding that Marc Jacobs commit to going fur-free and auction off remaining fur items with proceeds going to animal rights organizations.
Photo credit:
nrkbeta / Flickr