Stand Up for Real Climate Action

Heeding science is essential to urgent climate action for our planet. Now is the time we must harness the power of science and smart policy solutions to achieve the concrete action we need to stop catastrophic climate change.

The Nature Conservancy is committed to taking action on four critical fronts—and we need you standing with us. Together we will advance our Climate Action Plan:

  • Invest in nature’s mighty impact. Restoring forests and other ecosystems could contribute more than one-third of global emissions reductions needed to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement.
  • Build on our natural defenses. Fortifying coastal ecosystems can help to bear the brunt of sea level rise and dangerous weather systems that are the result of climate change.
  • Catalyze common ground in all 50 states. Action at the state level can advance a green energy future. We'll build on the progress we've already made.
  • Move international action forward. The Paris Climate Agreement was critical and almost every nation is standing by their commitments, with or without the United States.

Pledge to stand with The Nature Conservancy and make a direct impact on turning back climate change.

There's no time to wait. Stand up for science and nature today.
Stand Up For Concrete Climate Action

We have no time to waste--our planet needs concrete action on climate change now. I'm adding my voice and standing up for these four pillars that are key to cutting harmful carbon emissions and preventing lasting damage to all living things. I pledge to raise my voice with you to rally scientists, political leaders and the business community to join us in taking action and heeding science.
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