Keep Big Oil OUT Of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!

The Arctic Refuge is sacred to the Gwich'in people and one of the largest remaining intact ecosystems in the world. But right now, President Trump and Interior Secretary Zinke are rushing to open Alaska's iconic Arctic Refuge to oil and gas drilling.

We must stop Trump and Zinke from handing over this sacred land to Big Polluters. Submit an official comment to now save the Arctic Refuge from Big Oil.
SUBJECT: Protect the Sacred Arctic Refuge

Dear Secretary Zinke,

The Arctic Refuge is an iconic wilderness that is sacred to the Gwich'in people and a precious ecosystem for numerous species. I urge you to not open the Arctic Refuge to oil and gas leasing. Instead of moving forward with drilling, we must protect this land, as it is critical to the Porcupine Caribou Herd and the Gwich'in people continuing their subsistence way of life, as they have for generations. The Department of the Interior should be doing more to protect this sacred space, not putting the needs of Big Oil before our communities and ecosystems.

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