Listen to the Bunnies: Tell the FDA to Move on Plan B

Watch the bunnies and get the facts:

1. Under the Bush Administration the FDA based its decision to limit emergency contraception (aka Plan B) on politics and ideology rather than science.
2. It's been a year since the FDA was ordered by a court to reconsider its decision to limit Plan B and make it available over-the-counter to women of all ages -- in line with the scientific proof that it is safe and effective.
3. Today, Plan B is still behind the counter and limited by age.

President Obama promised to restore scientific integrity to federal agencies that were pushed by the Bush Administration to politicize their work.

The FDA has no excuse. Its own scientists found Plan B to be safe and effective for women of all ages. Write FDA Commissioner Hamburg -- because women who need emergency contraception should be able to access it safely and quickly.

Dear Dr. Margaret Hamburg,

I am joining the Center for Reproductive Rights to ask you to move quickly to end restrictions on emergency contraception.

It has been one year since the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York ordered the FDA to permit emergency contraception to be made available over the counter to people 17 and older immediately and to reconsider the Citizens Petition and the other restrictions currently placed on OTC access. Although the FDA has since done this, it has also systematically ignored the court order to reconsider over-the-counter status for emergency contraception and to make it available without a prescription to girls of all ages.

[Your comment inserted here.]

When President Obama took office he promised that "science will be shown due respect under his administration," yet the FDA continues to ignore its own scientific experts who conclude that there are no medical grounds for denying young women access to emergency contraception.

When a woman fears unintended pregnancy because of faulty contraception or unprotected sex, the last thing she needs is confusion at the counter. We ask that the FDA respect the findings of its own scientific review panel and take immediate action to end restrictions on emergency contraception.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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