Stop the Badger Culls!

With badger culls starting in pilot areas in the UK, it is vital that our MPs understand the strength of feeling against the Government's policy. The Government needs to recognise the widespread opposition throughout the country to badger culls. If you agree that badgers shouldn't be made the scapegoat for a problem they didn't cause and the victims of a policy that won't work, please write to your MP.

We have provided a basic letter, but please adapt it with your own comments to make your views clear. Please share this action with your friends or family to encourage them to also contact their MP and express their anger about the Government's policy. Thank you.
Dear MP,

I am strongly opposed to the Government's pilot badger cull, taking place as I write. The only significant scientific study into the impact of badger culling on Bovine TB in cattle, the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT), concluded that "badger culling can make no meaningful contribution to cattle TB control in Britain", and it is clear that the vast majority of independent experts are also opposed to the cull.

I am concerned that despite all this evidence and the strong public opposition to the cull, including the largest ever number of signatories on the official e-petition site, the Government seems determined to plough ahead regardless. I am therefore writing to ask you to consider signing Early Day Motion 299 (, which seeks to ensure full parliamentary scrutiny of the outcome of the pilot culls and to enable Parliament to have the final say on whether a national cull should go ahead.

If you do not sign EDMs, I would be grateful if you could write to the Secretary of State, the Rt Hon Owen Paterson MP, in support of the wording of the motion.

[Your comments will be inserted here.]

[Your name here]
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