Prevent Childhood Malaria Deaths in Africa

  • al: Care2
  • destinatario: UNICEF

No child should die of preventable causes, yet even in age of advanced medical technology, malaria claims the life of one child every 38 seconds. Almost one million children die every year from this entirely preventable disease. These numbers are simply unacceptable!

There are inexpensive, attainable steps we can take to stop malaria in its tracks. Once of the most effective is to provide bed nets treated with insecticide to protect sleeping children - and their families - from mosquitoes that carry the disease (as shown in the video to the right).

How can you help make real impact in Africa - one of the regions struggling the hardest to fight malaria? Join the chorus of voices urging international organizations to put the health of children first! Tell US Fund for UNICEF that you support their efforts to transport and distribute bed nets to villages in Africa affected by malaria and to educate villagers on how bed nets work.


Malaria takes the life of 2,300 children under the age of five every day, and kills almost 1 million children annually.

A lifesaving mosquito net treated with insecticide costs about $10, which includes the cost of the net, transportation and distribution and education on how to use it. A single bed net protects two to three children for up to five years.

No child should die of a preventable cause. I support the distribution of bed nets to at-risk children and their families world-wide, and urge you to embrace this program whole-heartedly.

[Your comments here]

Malaria has long been eliminated in the United States, Europe and many parts of Asia, Central America and South America. Because of a combination of factors, including increased parasite resistance to antimalrial drugs and struggling health care systems, Africa is struggling to battle this preventable disease.

Those with the means to help others who are less fortunate than themselves have a moral obligation to do so. As one of the leading organizations dedicated to protecting the health of poor and needy children worldwide, I urge you to make bed net programs a priority.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
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