Demand that our government start protecting our mustangs instead of using our tax money to hunt them

  • al: Maggie Smiley
  • destinatario: We the people need to petition the President of the United States

Americans speak up! There is a law to protect wild horses and burros, the Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Protection Act.  The government ignores the law and is using governmental employees and helicopters to round up the mustangs, hold them in holding areas indefinitely, and sending many to slaughter.  This is just one example of the government using our tax money to protect corporate interests.  Some ranchers pay to rent these public lands, some just use them anyway.They graze their cattle and want the mustangs killed.  The mustangs have a right to be on public lands.  It's the ranchers who have to be stopped from using our public lands, which belong to all of us, not the ranchers. Allowing the rental of public lands creates a conflict between those who rent and those who cannot speak for themselves.  If we want to protect our national heritage, lets join Madeline Pickins and other horse protections groups such as Humane Society of the US to protect the mustangs before they are all gone!  The government is selling us out at the expense of corporate interests because corporations contribute to political campaigns.  Our silence allows this to continue.

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