Don't Let the EPA Be Taken Over by Polluters!
Tell the Senate to vote NO on Scott Pruitt for EPA Chief.
Donald Trump’s EPA nominee, Scott Pruitt, has called the risks from climate change "speculative guess work" and said the debate is "far from settled."
Pruitt is a fossil fuel industry favorite, and he can’t be trusted. He's built his career on suing the EPA. If he is confirmed, Pruitt could finish what he started in the courtroom - tearing down the Clean Power Plan, and blocking the Clean Water Rule for good.
Sign the petition and tell your senators to listen to the majority of Americans who support climate action and oppose the nomination of Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator.
Dear Senators,
If Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from dirty energy companies and then acted on their behalf when suing the Environmental Protection Agency, how can we trust him to now lead it?
If confirmed, Pruitt could block the Clean Water Rule for good and the Clean Power Plan in its tracks. An overwhelming majority of Americans agree that we need strong action on climate change and we need it now. We urge you to oppose Scott Pruitt and demand an EPA Administrator who is guided by science, respects our environmental laws, and will place protecting public health first.
[Your Name Here]
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