We Want a Worldwide Shark Fin Ban

  • al: Care2.com
  • destinatario: United Nations Environment Management Group
In the first weeks of 2013, thousands of shark fins were found on a factory rooftop in Hong Kong, hidden from the public. Likely, these fins were intended for shark fin soup -- a gourmet East Asian dish -- which surges in popularity around the Chinese New Year.

Shark finning is a terrible process. Fisherman catch sharks, then cut off their fins, then throw the rest of the animal back, leaving it to suffer and die. As demand for shark fin soup has skyrocketed, shark populations worldwide have plummeted.

Many countries and a few critical U.S. states have restricted sales of shark fins, but precious few have outright banned shark fishing. If we want to save the world's sharks and end this cruel practice we need a worldwide ban adopted by every nation and enforced by the United Nations.

Tell the UN Environment Management Group you want strong leadership and to make a worldwide shark fin trade ban a central goal of the agency.
Dear [Decision Maker],

I'm writing today to urge you to make a worldwide shark fin ban a goal of your agency. Despite action at the state and national level in many places around the world, demand for shark fins is at an all-time high and shark populations are at serious risk. Unless we take international action, sharks could be wiped out.

Shark finning is a particularly cruel practice. Fishermen often cut off sharks fins then throw them back in the water where they suffer and die slowly and painfully.

For the sake of humanity and sustainability we can't allow shark finning to continue. Please work to instate a worldwide ban on shark finning and shark fin sales.
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