Demand protection for colonies of feral cats in Alcaidesa and their feeders and help with sterilisation

You have probably all noticed colonies of cats in certain areas of Alcaidesa. These are primarily cats that have been abandoned, and if they are not sterilised, they go on to produce kittens at an alarming rate. We aim to form a group that will send a petition to the person responsible in the Ayantamiento for the Medio Ambiente, or Environment, and draw his attention to this matter. Sotogrande and San Roque have already doing this.  Please support us and share

The more signatures the better, as currently the Macro Communidad in Alcaidesa is forbidding the feeding of cats. This is illegal and they are protected by the Ayuntamiento but we need to bring it to their attention!

Actualizar #1hace 6 años
Further to posting this petition, we are meeting with an official representative, to present our case and also find out from him what he requires from us. Our goals are to prevent poisonings, enable only registered feeders with ID to feed colonies, and ultimately get help to Trap, Neuter and Return. also maintaining healthy colonies and educating residents of the benefits of this.
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