Tell Senate Leadership: Protect Our Fourth Amendment Right to Privacy

It's outrageous: Law-enforcement agencies like the FBI can buy your online data — including your location and search history — without a warrant.

The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act would close this loophole that allows the government to buy information they would otherwise need a warrant to obtain. The House passed this bill in April1 — and we're calling on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin to advance and pass this vital and popular legislation without delay. Will you add your name to our petition today?

To Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durban:

Data brokers are exploiting a privacy loophole for profit. They're helping law-enforcement agencies purchase location-tracking data on people all over the United States without a warrant. This violates fundamental privacy rights.

According to recent polling from the nonprofit organization Free Press Action, 83% of Americans are concerned that state and federal governments can access our data to determine our location and use it against us. Please advance and pass the Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act without delay.

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