Refuse to stay silent about the stigma and discrimination portrayed upon people with mental illnesses

people with mental health problems say that social stigma attached to mental health and the discrimination they experience can make their difficulties worse and make it harder to recover. we know that people with mental health problems are amongst the least likely of any group with long-term health condition to; find work, be in a steady long-term relationship but also be socially included in mainstream society .
In this petition we want to again the awareness that people with mental illnesses should always have a fair chance to gain a long-term job just like everyone else not to prejudge and label them but also have equal rights
I've suffered from depression, anxiety and boarder line personality disorder for around 8 years. It took me a good 4 yeas to gain a job as a support worker and it shouldn't of took me that long to gain that job so that's why it needs to be changed. this caused me to feel that I'm not good enough but it also caused me to have low confidence and no hope to get a place in the care setting.
with this it caused me to disclose from my immediate family and friends with any health issues I was having as they don't understand what I am going through. so what needs to change is that family and friends (anyone) are able to have and in sight of what happens and how it effects us in every day life and how they can support us. we want to open groups all over the mental health unit to raise awareness but also to try and help and support us. I think it will make a massive difference when people understand it will also help reduce the stigma and discrimination that people have towards people with mental illnesses

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