An equestrain camp in Brazil allowed
children to color and paint all over a poor horse. Apparently they thought it would be a fun and cute idea to encourage interaction between the children and the horse. It's not fun or cute. It's gross.
Sign the petition to demand the camp ends the "activity" of kids coloring on animals.When teaching kids about animals, it's so important to teach them that they are living beings who deserve respect and good treatment. Coloring all over them does not send that message. Not to mention the horse must have been so stressed out with the kids doing this.
The camp clarified that the pigments used were non-toxic, which is great. But letting kids color a horse still sends the wrong message.
If the camp wants to expose kids to horses, great! They could teach the kids to brush the horses, ride them and feed them. They could teach the kids that horses take care and love and responsibility. Not that they are play objects like a piece of paper.
Please sign on to the petition to demand the camp vows to never host this horrible activity again!
*Photo via FB*