Let Leo DiCaprio express himself, let him returning to Indonesia and ask Palm Oil producers to stop the abuse of exploiding our ecosystem

We must support Leo because he is one of the main environmentalist helping areound the world for maintaining our flora and fauna in the planet. Where we all are belong to.

Whenever this is happening; Indonesia or somewhere else, we must be sensitive and very concerned how this is affecting other species, as well as towns where the aborigines have been coexisting with the fauna for centuries.

The Palm Oil producers are a multi-billion dollar global industry, almost every major food manufacturer uses it in their products, they don't really care the fact that species may extinct. It is an outrage to our mother nature. And they try to make us think that their forests are good, when this means getting rid of the most beautiful that our planet holds: The authentic flora and fauna.

Let's spread the word, it is a new era where the planet needs to be protected more than ever, and we need to act ASAP. There is not time to let others do, we need to join our forces to protect our planet, our home.

Dear President Joko,

It is with great respect, we would like to ask you to help Leo DiCaprio to be welcome back to Indonesia.

Leo is one of the most marvellous human beings in the world, his support and concern towards our mother nature for keeping our flora and fauna is admirable and highly impressive.

We love our mother nature, we love our ecosystem and we also love souls like Leo DiCaprio; if anything we need more people like him.

Our planet is in big risk, it is in danger because we don't realise how palm oil plantations among others; have been affecting our flora and fauna. If we have billions of dollars in our bank accounts it won't worth it if the planet keeps falling down as it is. Our fauna is dieying; it is simply, we won't be able to enjoy the nature anymore, whilst climate change is so obvious accross the globe.

This is the main reason of this petition as we need your help, we need your consideration, and sensivity to help us fight to protect the virgin areas of our planet, of your country and help us be the voice of others.

We all need your contribution with this important action, please Welcome back Leo DiCaprio in your homeland Indonesia, because we all are Leo DiCaprio.  We are people, we are souls who care so much about our home, our planet.

Thanks indeed for your time.

Truly yours,

Carolina Lizano Benavides

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