Protect Elephants from Ivory Poaching

Poaching and illegal ivory trade are on the increase worldwide.

In 2011 there was an unprecedented number of seizures of illegal ivory in countries around the world.

Within about 30 days in early 2012, 300 to 650 elephants were killed by heavily armed poachers in a single national park in Cameroon, out of an estimated national population of 3,000 to 5,000.

IFAW believes that even one elephant killed for its ivory is one too many. We will not stand by idly while elephants are needlessly slaughtered to meet a demand for luxury goods.

Join the fight to free elephants from the threat of ivory poaching. Please sign this petition to urge the European Union to take immediate action to stop the poaching and to help protect the world's elephants�from the continued threat of ivory trade.
I urge my government and the European Union to protect the world's remaining elephants by opposing any further international trade in ivory and to take action to reduce poaching and illegal ivory trade.
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