Tucker Carlson: Apologize Now for Comments Condoning Violence!

  • al: Media Matters
  • destinatario: MSNBC, Dan Abrams, Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson

During a discussion Tuesday night on MSNBC Live with Dan Abrams about Sen. Larry Craig's (R-ID) arrest for "lewd conduct" and eventual guilty plea, Tucker Carlson described to fellow MSNBC hosts Dan Abrams and Joe Scarborough his assault on a man who he said "bothered" him in a Washington D.C. public restroom.

MSNBC has replayed some of the segment, but cropped out Carlson’s comments that he "…went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the -- you know, and grabbed him, and ... [h]it him against the stall with his head." Carlson's comments, coupled with laughter from Abrams and Scarborough, suggested to viewers that physical violence is an appropriate response to an unwelcome overture. This is dangerous and wrong.

MSNBC has yet to acknowledge Carlson's comments.

Tucker Carlson should apologize immediately and condemn acts of violence against gays and lesbians. Sign and add your comments now telling Carlson and MSNBC why they must state publicly that they don't find humor in or condone the physical violence Carlson described.

Dear MSNBC, Dan Abrams, Joe Scarborough and Tucker Carlson:

I am appalled by Tucker Carlson's comments Tuesday, August 28 on MSNBC Live with Dan Abrams. It's time for Carlson to apologize and to condemn acts of violence against gays and lesbians. I also urge MSNBC to repudiate Carlson's comments or risk being seen as endorsing them.

Carlson's comments, coupled with laughter from Abrams and Scarborough, suggested to viewers that physical violence is an appropriate response to an unwelcome overture. This is dangerous and wrong.

Carlson has issued a statement completely revising his account of the alleged incident, but he has yet to apologize or to condemn acts of violence against gays and lesbians. And Carlson's revised account does nothing to mitigate the damage of his on-air comments. Meanwhile, MSNBC has remained silent about the incident.

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