American Workers Deserve Better

  • al: Care2
  • destinatario: U.S. Senate
The U.S. holiday Labor Day came out of the labor movement as a way to celebrate the contributions of American workers. But this year, it marks another anniversary of our government's failure to pass the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would give back the rights that America's workers are too often denied.

The Employee Free Choice Act is a bipartisan legislation that would hold anti-union employers accountable, guarantee workers a fair, simple, direct method for organizing and force employers to stop dragging out contract negotiations.

Workers deserve a free choice and a fair chance to form a union if they want to - without risking their livelihood to do so. It's time to give working families the freedoms and protections they deserve.

This Labor Day, urge your Senator to pass the Employee Free Choice Act and stand up for the rights of American workers!
Dear Senator,

I write urging you to support the Employee Free Choice Act (S. 1041), a piece of critical workers' rights legislation.

Employers routinely harass, coerce, intimidate and even fire workers when they try to exercise their legal rights to form unions. As the law currently stands, union elections are prone to delay and often favor employers in their fights against workers' unions.

This legislation would fix the problem by imposing stiffer penalties against employers that violate labor law. It would also set up a process for newly organized workers to negotiate a first contract in a timely manner.

[Your comment here]

I am proud of our American workers, and I urge you to show your pride in our country by supporting the Employee Free Choice Act.
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