President Biden: Ban Deep Sea Mining Now!

  • al: Greenpeace
  • destinatario: Biden Administration
Ready, set, go.... The race to stop deep sea mining has started.

The International Seabed Authority Council is recommencing discussions on how to start deep sea mining in the global oceans. Despite growing resistance, governments will discuss how to fast-track deep sea mining as early as July.

The destruction of the ocean floor for earth minerals will be devastating to our planet. The deep sea is a rare and unique ecosystem — home to many unknown species and a driver of important natural cycles on our planet.

That's why we can't let our government give the green light to greedy, immoral mining companies to destroy the ocean floor for profit!

Let's shut this industry down before it starts! Act Now: Tell the Biden Administration to ban deep sea mining Now!
President Biden,

I urge your administration to:

- Permanently ban the practice of deep sea mining from US waters.
- Make US ports and facilities off limits to foreign deep sea mining companies.
- Petition the International Seabed Authority to not allow deep sea mining to start.
- Introduce a proposal to the UNGA to ban deep sea mining from international waters.
- Strongly promote scientific research in the deep sea to further demonstrate its central importance for our planet's climate and biodiversity.

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