Alabama's Attorney General Wants to Prosecute the Use of Abortion Pills as "Chemical Endangerment"

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Alabama State Senate

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall just announced that people in Alabama who use abortion pills to end pregnancies can be prosecuted under a 2006 "chemical endangerment law." This is yet another government attack on bodily autonomy. Demand justice!

Sign the petition to tell the Alabama Senate to remove Attorney General Steve Marshall for attacking human rights!

Alabama typically prosecutes providers of abortions. This is the first time the Alabama's law enforcement officials have targeted pregnant people in an anti-abortion campaign.

Since Roe was overturned, it's been open season on reproductive rights, with Alabama being one of the 18 states that have issued abortion restrictions.

Demand the Alabama Senate remove Attorney General Steve Marshall for attacking human rights! All Americans deserve abortion access!

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