BP: Your Delaying Tactics are Harming the Gulf

The 2010 BP oil disaster was one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. For 87 days, more than 200 million gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico, contaminating beaches, killing wildlife, and hurting local economies. Five years later, BP has not paid a dime in Clean Water Act penalties. And even though a U.S. District Court judge found BP "grossly negligent" last year, BP has continued to veil the facts and avoid responsibility for its actions.
Despite BP's claims, we know the truth: Nearly five years later, the effects of the spill are still being felt. Dolphins and turtles are dying in record numbers, fisheries are still being affected and remnants of BP oil continue to wash up on our shores.
The third and final phase of the BP trial began on January 20, 2015. We need to send a strong message to BP and its lawyers that it's time to come clean and accept responsibility—stop your campaign of denial and deception and pay the maximum fines for which you are liable!
To BP: Nearly five years since the start of the Gulf oil disaster, the ongoing effects of the spill are only becoming more apparent. It is appalling and unjust that you are avoiding responsibility by continuing to appeal the court's decisions and funding a misleading PR campaign that suggests everything in the Gulf is fine. In the last year alone, studies have shown that dolphins and turtles in the Gulf are dying in record numbers, commercial fisheries are seeing decreased catches for several varieties of seafood and tar mats continue to wash up on Gulf Coast beaches. And while Audubon is working hard to safeguard coastal areas for nesting birds, it will be decades before we know the full impacts of the spill that already left hundreds of thousands of dead birds in its wake. It's time to come clean and accept responsibility--stop your campaign of denial and deception and pay the maximum fines for which you are liable! [Your comment here] Sincerely, [Your name here]
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