Ban Plastic Shopping Bags Everywhere!!

  • al: david bequeaith
  • destinatario: Frank Blake, Chairman and CEO, Home Depot, Inc.
We all need to eliminate our use of plastic bags. According to the EPA, Americans discarded more than 4.4 million tons of polyethylene bags in 2005, and only about 1-5 percent of those were recycled. Plastic bags waste resources, release toxins when burned, and contribute to global warming due to the energy required to make them. Bags littering the oceans also annually kill countless marine animals that mistake them for food. Consumers bear a responsibility, so do our RETAILERS!
I am writing to you in hopes of you joining the %u201CGreen Movement%u201D that is sweeping the nation. It is imperative that we as consumers and citizens of the world act to save our world. Please join us.

In view of the City of San Francisco ban on the use of plastic bags, and top retailers in the UK agreeing to cut their usage by 25%, I ask you to make every effort possible to follow suit on a national basis. It would not only help our world as a whole, it would be a large public relations boost for retailers such as yourself if you were to take it on voluntarily.
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