Save Alberta's Wolves From Bounty Hunters!

  • al:
  • destinatario: Peter Kent, Minister of Environment Canada
Hundreds of wolves are being killed in Alberta, Canada's western foothills every year because of new private bounties that easily quadruple the market price of wolf pelts. A recent proposal from the Alberta Fish and Game Association, an organization responsible for the rewards system, aims to extend bounties on wolf pelts across the entire province.

Tell Environment Canada's Minister, Peter Kent, to put his foot down on this shameless enterprise.

Grey and Red Wolves have been endangered for years in many regions of North America, but Canada's recent influx of indigenous wolves has encouraged farmers to protect their livestock with new, often questionable methods. An increase in wildlife traps throughout the forest has already shown an impact on local wildlife, with all-time records of incidental moose and grizzly bear deaths this year.

This old-fashioned "quick fix" has proven to be unethical and must be stopped.
Dear Minister Kent,

The bounty system created to fend off wolves in Alberta has inflicted unanswerable damages to the local ecosystem, and encourages a "devil may care" attitude to a sensitive problem. Though wolves may not be endangered in this area like they are in most North America, encouraging vigilante practice has only accelerated this majestic animal's susceptibility to a more vulnerable category.

We need your help to regulate these hapless bounties. An increase in wildlife traps throughout the forest has already shown an impact on local wildlife, with all-time records of incidental moose and grizzly bear deaths showing this year. The only way to curve these harms is to start with the problem: get private bounties out of wolf hunting.

[Your Comments Here]

This old-fashioned "quick fix" has proven to be unethical and must be stopped. A recent proposal from the Alberta Fish and Game Association, an organization primarily responsible for the rewards system, aims to extend bounties on wolf pelts across the entire province. This is your jurisdiction, and I implore you to do everything in your power to quell the issue at hand.

Thank you,
[Your Name Here]
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