Stop Unlawful Government Spying on US Citizens

Urgent update: President Bush just announced his plans to use the "lame duck" session of Congress to push through legislation authorizing the U.S. government to spy on unknowing citizens without a warrant.

In two months, we may be losing our freedom of speech every time we send an email internationally or call a friend. But we still have time to prevent this nightmare "Big Brother" bill from passing.

The legislation, crafted under Dick Cheney's supervision, would authorize the U.S. government to spy on unknowing citizens, even if they have not committed a crime. A federal judge already ruled that the President's surveillance program violates the Constitution, yet the Bush republican party continues to advocate for the right to spy on unknowing Americans.

The character of our nation will be redefined if this measure passes. We must raise our voices to protect our right to privacy and the rule of law.

Dear [Congress member],

As your constituent, I strongly urge you to oppose any attempts to rubberstamp the president's illegal and unconstitutional warrantless NSA spying program.

Any White House-endorsed bills to rubberstamp the president's warrantless spying on Americans are like the Patriot Act on steroids. They authorize more warrantless domestic surveillance on Americans than has ever been approved by Congress in our nation's history, even though a federal court has already found such programs unconstitutional and illegal.

The NSA bill would fly in the face of the America we believe in -- an America that strives to live up to the promise of our Constitution and that governs with faithfulness toward the rule of law. If it is passed, America will become a very different place from the "land of the free" that all of us hold in our hearts.

We can protect civil liberties and fight terrorism at the same time. You have the duty to keep our great nation both safe and free by blocking legislation that undermines the Constitution, our American values, and our freedom.

[Your comment here]

Again, I strongly urge you to block and oppose legislation that would effectively rubberstamp the president's warrantless NSA spying program.

[Your name here]
[Your address here]
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