Protect Big Cats: Urge Congress to end abuse of big cats in backyard cages!

It is estimated that thousands of big cats are kept in captivity by private individuals around the United States. But big cats are wild animals, with wild instincts, and they suffer when people attempt to keep them as pets. Purchased as cute, cuddly, "exotic" cubs, these animals quickly grow up and become too difficult for owners to manage safely and humanely. Consequently, they are shunted off to barren backyard enclosures, with little room and little to do.

The Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 1380/S.2561) would end the private ownership of big cats. It would also restrict direct physical contact between the public and big cats— putting an end to shoddy roadside "cub petting" operations and the vicious breeding cycles on which they depend.

Please contact your representative and senators and urge them to cosponsor the Big Cat Public Safety Act!

Dear [Representative/Senator],

As a constituent, I want to urge you to support the Big Cat Public Safety Act (H.R. 1380/S.2561).

It is estimated that thousands of big cats are kept in captivity by private individuals around the United States, which is an animal welfare crisis and an enormous burden on law enforcement and sanctuaries. The welfare of these animals is very important to me, and I will appreciate your support for a bill that would prohibit the possession of big cats by private owners and restrict direct physical contact between the public and big cats.

[Your comments]

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to your response.

[Your name]
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