Urge that Dog Catcher Be Held Accountable For Possible Wrongdoing

  • al: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Osage County District Attorney

An investigation is underway in Osage County regarding violations and allegations of a dog catcher in the area. Several witnesses state that the dog catcher presumably steals dogs from citizens’ yards and entering their yards when they were not home. Not only were dogs allegedly stolen, investigators obtained video and images of what appears to be at least one deceased dog in the back of a Pawhuska city trash truck.

The officer at the center of the investigation states that "We've been provided with a list of witnesses, we intend to interview each of those witnesses and put together a case, if one exists or whether one does not exist and forward that to the district attorney for determination.” Images were presented of dead dogs in the trash truck but it also raises some questions from citizens as to whether the trash truck disposal was legal. It is believed that these disposed dogs were linked to the actions of the dog catcher.

We are asking that this dogcatcher be placed on administrative leave now and fired if the police investigation turns up credible evidence of wrongdoing. If guilty, this person should receive the maximum penalties available under state and federal law. Help us in our efforts to find out the truth and gain justice for these dogs through the signing and sharing of this petition.

Osage County District Attorney – We are urging you to ensure that this dogcatcher is placed on administrative leave now and fired if the police investigation turns up credible evidence of wrongdoing. Additionally, you need to seek the maximum penalties under state and federal law should the sheriff’s investigation determine that there is sufficient evidence to file charges.

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