Support H.R. 39, the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act

Representatives Ed Markey (D-MA) and Jim Ramstad (R-MN) introduced the Wilderness Bill on the first day of Congress 2007  to secure bill number H.R. 39 (the original number of the Alaska Lands Act). This Wilderness Bill would grant permanent protection for the Coastal Plain of America's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by designating it as protected Wilderness.  The final bill was officially unveiled at the March 20, Climate Change Action Day in Washington D.C.  Help us to preserve the legacy of the Muries who advocated wilderness status for the Refuge!
As citizens of these United States of America, we ask all members of the House of Representatives to support passage of H.R. 39, the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act.  According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge contains the greatest diversity of animal life of any conservation area in the circumpolar region.  The coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, where oil drilling has been proposed, is home to the largest concentrations of wildlife in the refugeDestroying the coastal plain of the Refuge will not solve (or even signifcantly diminish) America's energy problems, even if the most optimistic projections of oil from the Refuge are met.  The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge deserves permanent protection as wildernessThe Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a fragile place, easily disturbed and slow to recover.  We know that opening the coastal plain to oil leasing and development will irreparably damage its wildlife populations and permanently scar its landscapes.  Beyond that, the quality of wildness that defnes the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, wildness on a scale found almost nowhere else on earth, will be destroyed.  Two of America's great naturalist/conservationists, Olaus and Mardy Murie, were instrumental in establishing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.  Because of their vision and perseverance, we are committed to protecting their legacy by supporting the establishment of wilderness protection for the coastal plain. Therefore, in keeping with the Muries' vision, in recognition of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's extraordinary natural ecosystems, and for the permanent good of present and future generations of Americans, we respectfully request that Congress support H.R. 39, the Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act.
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