Arizona: Pregnancy Can't Start Before Conception!
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- destinatario: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer
For Arizona women, pregnancy now begins two weeks before conception. What?
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer helped pass the draconian "Women's Health and Safety Act" bill into law. It has neither a woman's safety in mind nor does it define health in any medically sound way.
Beyond ignoring common sense by making a legal pregnancy start two weeks before a biological pregnancy, it drastically reduces the timeframe in which a woman can legally obtain an abortion. Under the new law, by the time Arizona women find out their baby has a life-threatening illness, they are too late to choose to end the pregnancy. Women could be forced to carry their child to full term just to have it die in their arms hours later.
This has proven traumatic and shameful for many women. Arizona seeks to punish women rather than consider anyone's safety or health -- mental or physical.
Tell Governor Brewer to repeal this invasive and medically unsound law and trust that women make responsible decisions!
Dear Arizona Governor Jan Brewer,
The invasive "Women's Health and Safety" bill is an offensive and medically unsound piece of legislature. Not only does it undermine a woman's ability to make her own decisions, but it may put her at incredible mental, emotional, and medical risk.
[Your comments here]This piece of legislation has no place needlessly shaming and putting at risk citizens of this country, let alone Arizona. I urge you to repeal the "Women's Health and Safety" bill immediately.
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