Is Tyson lying to you? Say no to animal cruelty by pledging not to purchase Tyson products.

A recent undercover investigation by animal protection nonprofit Animal Outlook revealed horrendous evidence of abuse at a chicken facility contracted to the U.S.' biggest chicken producer, Tyson Foods.
Over the course of the several weeks, the investigator found shocking cruelty, including filthy farm conditions, birds left without access to food and water, biosecurity risks from poor safety practices, toxic levels of ammonia in the air, and numerous incidents of violence toward the chickens, including one instance where a worker ripped the head off a chicken.
Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of consumers oppose animal cruelty, Tyson still profits from nearly 2 billion chickens each year who are raised in circumstances similar to the one described above. It's critical for informed consumers to take a stand to keep this cruelty from continuing.
Additionally, investigators caught a Tyson representative admitting on camera that free range is a marketing gimmick that misleads consumers into thinking the birds are well taken care of. Tyson is taking advantage of consumers, mistreating animals, cutting corners, and pocketing profits from its deceptive practices.
You can help put an end to these practices and demand better treatment of animals by pledging not to purchase any Tyson products. Join thousands of people sending a clear message to Tyson: animal cruelty is not on the menu.
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