Justice for Rape Survivors in Tunisia: End this Victim-Blaming Law

  • al: Paige D
  • destinatario: Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia

"Admit that you are at fault," stated Ala Chebbi, a Tunisian TV presenter while blaming a victim for being raped.

Ever since she was 14 years old, Hajar has been raped by 3 different members of her family. Now she is eight months pregnant from being sexually assaulted by one of her attackers.

Like in many other countries in Africa and the Middle East, there is a law in Tunisia that allow charges against rapists to be dropped if they marry their attacker.

This same type of law drove a 16 year old girl to commit suicide in Morocco because she was forced to marry her rapist.

This perpetuates the extremely dangerous mentality that blames the victim and assumes women are at fault for sexual assault.

Please sign to tell the President of Tunisia to eliminate the cruel Tunisian law that allows a rapist's charges to be dropped if they marry their attacker.

Dear Beji Caid Essebsi, President of Tunisia;

The law that allows rapist charges to be dropped if the victim marries their attacker is cruel and wrongly perpetuates the mentality that victims are to blame for sexual assault.  I strongly urge you to eliminate this law. 

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