Demand the Government of Pakistan save the citizens from lead poisoning in Water through bad drainag

  • al: Asad Ali
  • destinatario: Prime Minister of Pakistan

Many residents of Province of Sindh, suffer the symptoms of chronic lead poisoning, such as abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, and mood changes. Some children have been born with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities.

68 years of failure by Pakistan Government's, Environment Department, Irrigation Department and Public Health Authorities to prevent further exposure to lead among the citizen's has exposed these peoples to toxic levels of lead in the water, soil, vegetable and fish.

Due to the ignorance of the Public Health Engineering Department, Irrigation Department, Health Department, bad fall of drainage water caused this monumental health and environmental damage, and a cleanup seems far away because the Pakistan Government is ignoring to much.

This is one of the most heavily polluted water of drainage falls in the Indus River in the Province of Sindh. Millions of people are suffering, and it needs immediate government action. Citizens are eating contaminated fish, eating contaminated vegetables and breathing in contaminated air while the Pakistan Government is not only taking any action against it.

With unacceptable levels of lead in the soil, and with high levels of lead found in all the animal and river life, the situation can only get worse, and can easily become an even greater human disaster if it is ignored any longer. It is already an environmental disaster, but it is not too late.

Pakistan needs to make a separate drainage system of excluding the river and provide medical care to affected peoples

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