STOP slaughtering cows/ goats/ sheep during "Sacrifice Feast" within the view of the public!

  • al: SIOW WAI W
  • destinatario: The authorities in Malaysia

Slaughtering of cows, goats/ sheep was done at neighbourhood empty field/ in the view of the public, including children. Its barbaric and inhuman, and indirectly teaching ignorant kids to experiment on their own pets or strays eg kitten, rabbit or dogs.

Moreover, the remaining of the carcass such as intestines and unwanted organs were buried there and then. The awful stench pollute the whole neighbourhood for at least several days, if not weeks, and it gets worse during dry weather. It may cause outbreak of diseases too.

Much as I had tried contacting the relevant government bodies, none had taken my plight seriously! They either forward my email here and there or simply do not reply.

The Malaysia authorities should conduct this ceremony within their holy place aka mosque, away from the sight of the public, especially non-muslim/ kids.

Afterall, we are living harmoniously with different races and we should respect everyone's rights.

Lets end this from year 2018 onwards!

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