Justice for Fox Killed by Ashford Valley and Tickham Hunt

In November 2017, the Ashford Valley and Tickham Hunt chased a fox and killed this beautiful animal. The incident was filmed by hunt monitors and presented to the police for the hunt to be prosecuted under the Hunting Act 2004. Despite all the evidence, Kent Police refused to press charges as they said there was not enough evidence, and that the hunt master had said they were trailhunting and hadn't intended to kill the fox. Yet the video clearly shows the hunt doing absolutely nothing to call the dogs off the fox or intervene in any way to prevent the kill.

We think this is outrageous and that this fox deserve justice. Kent Police need to reopen this and reconsider their decision not to prosecute.  Just by saying you had no intention to kill should not make it OK to do so without repercussions, particularly when the evidence seems to suggest otherwise. You can view the video here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTbuPqZn0p0&t=12s (WARNING - GRAPHIC CONTENT)

Kent Police had no enthusiasm for the evidence to start with and had to be chased to act on our findings. Now that Kent Police have washed their hands of the incident we are able to make the whole cruel and horrific incident public and help this incident reopened and investigated.

For too many years we have endured Kent Police not acting on evidence we supply of alleged illegal hunting. Enough is enough. This fox had a life and a right to live - cruelly cut short by an act of terror and murder, literally running for his or her life - which was lost in pain and horror.

This fox should have justice and we call upon Kent Police to reopen the investigation into this brutal murder.

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