Street dogs killed en masse ahead of FIFA World Cup in Morocco. Please join us in demanding an end to this slaughter!

We are deeply disturbed by the recent mass killings of street dogs in Morocco, allegedly as a means to 'clear the streets' ahead of FIFA site visits related to the upcoming 2030 Football World Cup.
Reports from the ground paint a horrifying picture: injured and dying dogs lying on blood-stained streets; gunmen roaming and shooting dogs on sight; dogs suffering slow, agonizing deaths from poison; and traumatizing scenes unfolding in front of shocked citizens, including children. Behind closed doors, the atrocities continue. Dogs are rounded up, crowded into vans, and taken to municipal shelters where they meet horrific ends – while not confirmed, there are reports of animals crammed into tight spaces, sprayed with water, and electrocuted in these 'shelters.'
There is also a human cost to this brutality. With much of the killing happening in public, children are forced to watch horrific animal cruelty. This is a breach of the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (Article 19), which states that children should not be exposed to violence against animals. Should FIFA ignore this issue, it would be in direct violation of its commitment to uphold the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The relentless slaughter of street dogs is legally questionable. Morocco has laws against such inhumane culling practices, but animal welfare advocates reporting on these acts are being harassed, detained and even deported, silencing the very voices seeking to hold authorities accountable.
We urge you to use every means possible to persuade the Moroccan government to halt these cruel exterminations. We urge FIFA not to ratify the decision for Morocco to join the three World Cup host nations until the authorities bring an end to the slaughter.
Sign this petition calling on FIFA and the Moroccan authorities to stop massacring street dogs today.
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