Tell President Biden To Protect our Bedrock Environmental Justice Laws And Tackle The Climate Crisis

Across the globe, temperatures are rising and climate change is disproportionately harming the people least responsible for this global climate crisis. Particularly, BIPOC communities and women are the most marginalized and least able to adapt as the frequency and severity of extreme weather events worsen. Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry is reaping record profits from this destruction.
The United States can help tackle the global climate crisis by meeting the emissions reduction targets we committed to in the Paris Climate Agreement. But right now we're far off pace and even set to expand fossil fuel production in the next decade.
While the US is making some investments in communities and clean energy, taxpayer dollars are still flowing to dirty and dangerous fossil fuel infrastructure. These investments are destroying our planet and, despite industry greenwashing, won't lower gas prices. The good news is that we have a critical tool to address the climate crisis and protect communities with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA's vision is to ensure due diligence is done to protect communities from dirty projects. While the Trump administration rolled back important environmental justice provisions, if strengthened now, NEPA could be a key part of the solution to limiting emissions that are impacting people here and around the world.
The Biden administration has an opportunity to make good on climate and environmental justice commitments by upholding and improving NEPAs guidelines to meet our emissions targets. Sign now and tell President Biden to end our addiction to fossil fuels and strengthen the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
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