Ban the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet shops

  • al: MSPCA
  • destinatario: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Lawmakers
Pet shops typically acquire their dogs and cats from inhumane commercial breeding facilities, often called "puppy mills" or "kitten mills." Pet shops are a preferred sales outlet for puppy and kitten mills because they allow the cruelty at the mills to remain hidden from consumers.

While pet shops may claim that they obtain animals from small-scale, humane breeders, the data tells a different story. Responsible breeders simply do not sell puppies to pet shops--responsible breeders want to meet their prospective buyers in person.

Although commercial dog breeding facilities are inspected by the USDA under Animal Welfare Act (AWA) regulations, the standards of care are very low.

The USDA standards:
  • allow commercial breeders to keep dogs in cramped, stacked, wire cages for their entire lives; cages need only be 6 inches larger than their bodies.
  • do not require that dogs be regularly let outside of their cages for exercise, nor do they mandate socialization
  • allow dogs to be kept in extreme temperatures for prolonged periods of time
  • allow females to be bred as early and often as possible and killed when they are no longer able to breed
  • allow puppies to be taken from their mothers at very young ages, exposing them to a range of behavioral and health issues

These proposed bills prohibit the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits from pet shops but still allow pet shops to showcase animals from shelters or rescue organizations.

California, Maine, Maryland, Illinois, New York, Oregon, Washington, and Vermont, as well as close to 500 municipalities nationwide have passed similar laws. With New York's law taking effect at the end of last year, we don't want those puppy-selling businesses to move into Massachusetts, so timely action is needed!

Tell Massachusetts lawmakers it's time to stop letting pet shops support inhumane commercial breeding facilities. End the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in pet shops!
Dear Legislator,

Pending legislation in Massachusetts (HD1530, SD1155, SD1154) would prohibit the sale of puppies, kittens, and rabbits in pet shops, while still allowing pet shops to partner with shelters or rescues to showcase animals

Typically, pet shops obtain animals from substandard breeding facilities, which results in consumers unknowingly purchasing sick or genetically-compromised pets. The standards of care at these facilities are very low – USDA standards allow commercial breeders to keep dogs in cramped, stacked, wire cages for their entire lives. For example, dogs do not have to be regularly let outside of their cages for exercise or get socialization. Dogs can be kept in extreme temperatures for prolonged periods of time. Females can also be bred as early and often as possible without limitations. Massachusetts state records consistently document complaints from across the Commonwealth.

State and federal records have also demonstrated that puppies from the worst "puppy mills" in the country have been sold to Massachusetts consumers via pet shops. These bills thus protect both animals and consumers, while having no impact on responsible breeders.

Many of the state's pet shops are already in compliance with this legislation; they do not sell puppies or kittens. Pet shops that do sell these animals can shift to a humane business model, which has proven successful in our state and others, which involves partnering with shelters and rescues and providing supplies and services to pet owners.

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