Stand with Climate Science

It's 2017 and by now we all know that climate change is real, it's caused by humans and its getting worse. But even in this day and age, several of Alberta's conservative politicians are spreading climate change denial, confusing the public and deflecting on the truth.
"The science isn't settled" "You show me all the stats" - MLA Don MacIntyre, Wildrose Party
"The climate's been changing since the beginning of time, right?" - Jason Kenney, leadership candidate for Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta
This kind of climate-change-denying rhetoric is dangerous.
The science is not up for debate because we know the facts — the earth's climate is getting warmer and this is being driven by human activities. And the numbers are in - 2016 was the hottest year on record.
We can't let these politicians continue their climate denial unchecked. When enough Albertans come together, we can stamp out the climate confusion, and instead spread a message based on fact.
Sign and share the petition today to tell politicians like Jason Kenney to cut the climate denial because Albertans stand with climate science.
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