Tell NC Lawmakers: Keep Our Water Clean!

Federal law requires states to review their water quality standards every three years. The last time North Carolina reviewed our clean water standards was in 2006. Now, eight years later, the Environmental Management Commission has proposed limited improvements and is seeking public comment.

Here are a few ways we can improve our water quality standards:

  • NC should update our standards for heavy metals as EPA has requested and as neighboring states did years ago.
  • NC should also adopt numeric nutrient criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus and a standard for ammonia to prevent the further degradation of our rivers.
  • Finally, the current standard for total mercury is not adequate to protect human health; we also need a standard for the levels of methylmercury appearing in fish tissue.

Clean water and a healthy environment are vitally important to all North Carolinians – for their health, property values, recreational and business opportunities.

Speak up for clean water and healthy rivers today!
To whom it may concern:

I am writing to you today to submit my comments in support of strengthening our water quality standards for the triennial review. North Carolina should update our standards for heavy metals as EPA has requested and as neighboring states did years ago. The state should also adopt numeric nutrient criteria for nitrogen and phosphorus and a standard for ammonia to prevent the further degradation of our rivers. Finally, the current standard for total mercury is not adequate to protect human health; we also need a standard for the levels of methylmercury appearing in fish tissue.

Clean water and a healthy environment are vitally important to all North Carolinians – for our health, property values, recreational and business opportunities.

Thank you.

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