Urge Moratorium on Everglades Development

  • al: Care2
  • destinatario: Florida Governor Charlie Crist
Recognizing the environmental importance of the Everglades, the state of Florida is planning to purchase 187,000 acres of land to restore its waterways and estuaries. While this is a huge achievement in the fight for Everglades restoration, the state must go one step further.

Developers continue to submit proposals that would encroach on the Everglades, destroying many of the benefits that restoration promises. The Everglades are the home of hundreds of unique species of plants and animals, including 67 threatened or endangered species. A mere 10 percent of the former wading birds that once inhabited the Everglades still exist today.

Urge Florida Governor Charlie Crist to institute a moratorium on approving new development, mining or other changes in use that could impact the upcoming restoration project!
Dear Governor Crist,

I am thrilled that Florida is going through with the U.S. Sugar deal that will bring an additional 187,000 acres into the Everglades. It will be wonderful to see water flow from Lake Okeechobee to the Everglades as is did in the past, sustaining the fragile wetlands.

But all of your hard work could be destroyed if development continues during the restoration. Please institute a moratorium on approving new development, mining or other changes in use that could impact the restoration project. This will allow the "River of Grass" to return to its vibrant state of years past.

[Your comment here]

A moratorium on development will give Florida time to develop a true plan for the future of this magnificent park. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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