President Obama - Don't Risk an Arctic Oil Disaster That Could Kill Polar Bears and Whales

On Monday, May 11, 2015, the Obama Administration granted conditional approval for Shell Oil's reckless scheme to drill in the Arctic Ocean. Now polar bears, whales, and other Arctic wildlife are at risk.

The president's own scientists say there is a 75 percent risk of a major oil spill if Shell's plan goes forward — and emergency response and clean-up would be infinitely more difficult in the choppy waters of the Arctic than the area where the failed response to BP' Deepwater Horizon disaster took place.

An accident or spill in the Arctic Ocean would be disastrous for some of the world's more irreplaceable wildlife. Oil can poison whales, polar bears, and other marine wildlife. Oiled polar bear lose their insulation and can freeze and drown. And the noise and seismic disturbance from drilling can confuse sonar sensitive whales and other wildlife.

Unless we act right now, Shell could be drilling — and polluting — the pristine Arctic within weeks.

We don't have much time. Please take a moment right now to urge President Obama to reverse his administration's decision to green-light Shell's reckless drilling.

Dear President Obama,

I am deeply disappointed in your administration's May 11 decision green-lighting Shell Oil's drilling plans in the Arctic Ocean and urge you to reverse the decision before it is too late.

As you know, the Arctic is a special place -- and Shell's gambit is especially risky for polar bears, polar bears, and other wildlife.

Your own scientists say there is a 75 percent risk of a major spill if Shell's plan goes forward, and clean-up would be infinitely more difficult in the choppy waters of the Arctic than in the Gulf of Mexico, where BP's Deepwater Horizon spilled millions of gallons of oil before it was contained.

Shell's safety record provides even less reason for confidence. Two of its vessels ran aground in an earlier operation. A test containment device was “crushed like a beer can” in the far more gentle waters off Washington. And an April 2015 Coast Guard inspection gave Shell's equipment a failing grade.

An accident or spill courts disaster for some of the world's more irreplaceable wildlife. Oil can poison whales, polar bears, and other marine wildlife. Oiled polar bear lose their insulation and can freeze and drown. And the noise and seismic disturbance and confuse sonar sensitive whales and other wildlife.

[Your comments here]

The risks are too great and we stand to lose far too much on Shell's latest gamble. I strongly urge you to reconsider and reverse your conditional approval in this reckless drilling scheme.


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