SAVE NPR: Support Government Funding for Public Radio!

On NPD's Morning Edition last week, Nina Tottenberg said that if the Supreme Court supports Congress, it is effectively the end of the National Public Radio (NPR), NEA & the Public Broadcasting System(PBS).

PBS, NPR and the arts are facing major cutbacks in funding. In spite of the efforts of each station to reduce spending costs and streamline their services, some government officials believe that the funding currently going to these programs is too large a portion of funding for something which is seen as not worthwhile. The only way that our representatives can be aware of the base of support for PBS and funding for these types of programs is by making our voices heard.

Please add your name to this list and forward it to friends who believe in what this stands for. This list will be forwarded to the President and the Vice President of the United States. This petition is being passed around the Internet. Please add your name to it so that funding can be maintained for NPR, PBS, & the NEA.

Please keep this petition rolling. Do not reply to me. Please sign and forward to others to sign.

If you think that NPR/PBS is a worthwhile expenditure of $1.12/year of their taxes,


Thanks, the future of quality public programming thanks YOU!

Attention Congress:

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that you support NPR, NEA, and PBS. Publicly funded services such as these were founded to help inspire and fund the creative juices of our nation upon which the cultural heritage of our country relies. Thanks to these programs, many great dreams of dance, painting, sculpture, cinematography, design, writing and photography have come to life. Excellent educational programming relies on this funding. What would our lives be without the introspective pieces from NPR, or the PBS documentaries, and the NEA!

These funding cuts are unfortunate for average citizens across the country whose access to the arts has already been diminished by two years of deep cuts. These cuts have forced ticket prices up, shortened museum hours, and cut back or eliminated rural arts programs. These cuts have increased the time spent on funding drives, and reduced the amount of time focused on newsworthy events.

All great nations have supported the arts. The NEA currently costs each American $1.12 per year. Compared to the $32 per capita support for the arts in France and Canada, this is a modest investment. More than 1.7 million Americans are employed in the arts, and these jobs create $37 billion in economic activity and return $3.4 billion in income taxes to the federal treasury.

Besides supporting orchestras, operas, dance companies and arts agencies in small towns and cities, NEA funds children's festivals, at-risk youth projects, artists in the schools, literacy programs, and concerts in the park. This ensures that the arts are not solely available to the wealthy in urban centers.

Since its inception, the NEA has awarded more than 110,000 grants to artists and organizations in every state. While controversial grants have commanded lots of media attention, there have been only a handful in the agency's history.

This critical Government funding lends prestige to an artist or organization which can leverage other funding. Taking away this seed money, and its "seal of approval" will only further limit Americans' access to the arts. With private support for the arts declining, it is doubtful that the loss of NEA, NPR and PBS funding can be easily replaced with private donations.

WE URGE YOU to support the Government funding for the arts and don't KILL NPR, and other NEA funding recipients.

The Undersigned!
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